; CheckForPlatformSplashDisable 1.0 (2010-06-16) ; ; Checks if the platform wants the splash screen disabled ; Copyright 2008-2010 John T. Haller of PortableApps.com ; Released under the GPL ; ; Usage: ${CheckForPlatformSplashDisable} _v ; ; Example: ${CheckForPlatformSplashDisable} $DISABLESPLASHSCREEN ; If the platform wants it disabled, $DISABLESPLASHSCREEN will be true. ; Otherwise it will be whatever its previous value was !macro CheckForPlatformSplashDisable _v StrCmp ${_v} true _CFPSDEnd ;Get the parameter and sort out the stack Push $0 Push $1 Push $R0 StrCpy $0 ${_v} ;Read from the INI ReadEnvStr $1 PortableApps.comDisableSplash StrCmp $1 "true" "" _CFPSDStackEnd ${GetParent} $EXEDIR $1 IfFileExists $1\PortableApps.com\PortableAppsPlatform.exe "" _CFPSDStackEnd MoreInfo::GetProductName `$1\PortableApps.com\PortableAppsPlatform.exe` Pop $R0 StrCmp $R0 "PortableApps.com Platform" "" _CFPSDStackEnd MoreInfo::GetCompanyName `$1\PortableApps.com\PortableAppsPlatform.exe` Pop $R0 StrCmp $R0 PortableApps.com "" _CFPSDStackEnd !ifdef NSIS_UNICODE FindProc $R0 PortableAppsPlatform.exe !else FindProcDLL::FindProc PortableAppsPlatform.exe ; Onto $R0 !endif IntCmp $R0 1 "" _CFPSDStackEnd _CFPSDStackEnd StrCpy $0 true _CFPSDStackEnd: ; Restore the stack and sort everything out Pop $R0 Pop $1 Exch $0 Pop ${_v} _CFPSDEnd: !macroend !define CheckForPlatformSplashDisable '!insertmacro CheckForPlatformSplashDisable'